
February. The perfect time to clear the decks

Feb 1, 2024

February – The third and final month of Winter, Hurrah! February is the only month that can go without a full moon, it’s the most misspelt month in the calendar, host’s Valentine’s Day and is LGBT History month. However, I thought on would concentrate on where and why February got it’s name. It’s from the Latin word, Februum, meaning “Purification”. The romans held a cleaning festival to get ready for Spring.

This is pretty apt for most of us with February being the perfect time to clear the decks, refresh our plans made at the beginning of the year and get back to doing the simple things really well. We can often over complicate things in business and things quickly get messy so actually taking time to clarify and cleanse our strategy, systems and goals should offer renewed energy and regeneration to hit Quarter 2 with a real spring in our steps!

Talking about Quarter 2 and looking to the future, CESW and the local clubs have been busy planning a great range of events which are starting to fill the calendar from Technology in Construction to Collaborative Working, the Annual Luncheon is booked for March 6th and it’s not long until the CESW Awards entry deadline (April 3rd) is upon us. We are going to need an energy boost with all that in the diary!

I wish you all a productive and energising month, I’m now off to clean my desk – tidy desk, tidy mind!


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