It was great to see so many of you at the Annual Review Luncheon, if you weren’t able to attend, you can take a look at the digital Annual Review by CLICKING HERE
Your new Chair
I’d like to reiterate my thanks to Dan Macey for the 30 months he has put to the role of Chair and what he has done for our organisation. I’d also like to express my thanks to the many of you wishing me luck and offering support as I take the role of chair for the next 2 years.
For those that don’t know me (or what I do as my day job). I head up SCF (Southern Construction Framework) in the South West, which affords me the luxury of being involved in some amazing projects! I am a Director on the JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) Board officially representing Local Government in that forum. I also sit on the LGAs construction steering group and represent the South West on the NACF (National Association of Construction Frameworks).
So what now for CESW?
We will advertise and appoint to the vacant roles in the newly created Leadership Council (If you don’t know what that is then you really need to look at the ‘Annual Review’ link above!)
I, the Board and the Leadership Council need to communicate with all of you our members some changes we have made to CESW, what those changes mean and how it will make CESW better for you all.
We need to make sure the CESW 2024 Awards are even better (and I implore you all to get nominations in) Last year Serena Williams went on to win at the National awards (G4C future leader)… This year we need to get more of our SW projects that top accolade.
Em Pardede, our new Membership Manager will be contacting you all, the main purpose of Em’s role is to make sure you make the most of your membership (clearly we hope that means you’ll stick with us). But Em will also be a prime contact for you all if you need anything (or want us to change something). That isn’t to say you can’t speak to me or anyone else on the Board and/or Leadership council.
Over the coming months I will be asking the Leadership Council to introduce themselves to you so you know who they are. But next up for the April Newsletter will be James Beckly (WWA) whom has just taken on the newly created Members Director Role. He will be representing you on the board and I can’t wait to see how this will positively impact CESW.