View Swindon and Wiltshire Club Members
Atkins Ltd (Atkins Global)
Beard Swindon
Bouygues UK
Buildeco Offsite Architecture
Igloo Regeneration
Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership
UWE (University of the West of England)
Wiltshire Council
The Swindon and Wiltshire Club been established to bring together construction professionals from both the public and private sector in a collaborative forum. The club will look to modern methods of construction and digital transformation to attract new talent into the industry bridging the skills gap and supporting the delivery of construction projects coming forward. We are very keen to attract new members to the club and onto our committee.
If you’d like to join please do get in touch with our Chair; we look forward to seeing you at the club events.

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Meet the Swindon & Wiltshire Club Committee
Carol Heneghan, Bouygues UK - Chair
Carol has worked in construction for over 20 years, with posts ranging from designing water management and drainage systems and working in the regeneration and main contracting sectors prior to joining Bouygues UK in September.
Her role will see her build strong relationships with clients, stakeholders and professional teams to support the successful delivery of projects, that provide positive and lasting impacts for the local community, as well as those using the buildings.
Connect with me on LinkedIn here.
Suzanne Gough, Wiltshire Council
Connect with me on LinkedIn here.
Kingsley Clarke, Southern Construction Framework
Kingsley Joined the SCF team in February 2018, based out of the Exeter office Kingsley has responsibility for heading up the South west region.
Previously Kingsley held senior roles within the Estates team at Devon County Council and was responsible for overseeing a large capital and revenue programme.
Kingsley is a big believer in collaborative working and 2 stage open book procurement and joined the SCF team with a wealth of experience in managing contractor relationships.
Connect with me on LinkedIn here.
Emma Bull, Southern Construction Framework
Emma is the Lot 1 Framework manager. With over 10 years experience working alongside the framework delivering a number of award winning lot 1 projects and 20+ years experience working regionally for a number of Main Contractors.
Emma has a commercial background and previously headed up Social Value Special Interest Group for the Framework, supporting her professional role and interest in enabling tangible long term social assets through the delivery of construction activities.